Sammic XM-12 Stick Blender – Variable Speed


The Sammic XM-12 Stick Blender has been manufactured to be able to blend an assortment of produce, from purees to airy egg whites, while being sturdy and designed for continuous use. This makes it perfect for busy kitchens that require a lightweight, reliable stick blender.

Various speeds are also offered with this stick blender, along with the compact size, allowing for the user to have the maximum comfortability while using this. Along with these features, a warning light is also added on to the stick blender, glowing to signal when it is attached to the mains power supply. The hood of the stick blender also acts as a splashback guard to prevent mess while blending.

The XM-12 is designed to last, along for continuous use long periods of time without overheating. The arm is also detachable, making it easier to clean by having the option to use a sink or dishwasher.

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SKU: 3030736 Categories: ,
Pack Size: 1

Minimum Order Value £100 exc. VAT